Short gay pride shirts

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The Versace CHERSACE Pride Diamante T-Shirt released for pride month is hand-signed by Cher and Donatella and retails for $3,350. In a video released by the brand to promote the new collection, hosted by Jake Bongiovi, Jake said, “Two icons, both alike in diva-energy, in Pride Month, where we celebrate the scene, from long-held friendship to new love and unity, where Cher and Versace make Chersace.” Related LinkĬher’s Mom: Everything to Know About Georgia Holt In another photo she posted, Cher captioned the post, “Maybe it’s me, but I think this Versace t-shirt is kinda giving Cher #LGBTQPride #Chersace #GenderSpectrum.” Meanwhile, Donatella Versace commented on Cher’s photo, “You are an angel, Cher! thank you for joining me in celebrating Pride month so stunningly.” Search Hollywood Life Search Trending Navigation Trending

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